Day 18 – Don't Expect Much, I'm Sick!

As title suggests, today was a very slow day for us. We didn’t even break 10,000 steps! 

Drew and myself went to bed last night feeling quite ordinary, so decided to give todays activities a miss. To be honest I’m not really sure what was originally planned for today, but I knew I wanted a sleep in. So we woke up at about 10, still feeling quite gross, I had planned on spending the day feeling sorry for myself under the covers. But the idea of going back to Nakano Broadway was put forward, and I couldn’t resist. I did take my sweet arse time to get ready though. And it wasn’t until 12 that Drew and myself went down stairs to meet with Tim and Lobada. We were on a hunt for a few select things, so there was no messing about today. Although, we didn’t leave there until 4 o’clock, so not as quick as we thought! 

Now that I’m typing this up, I realise just how boring our day was… We came home from shopping; I put on some washing as Drew went off to find a post office to send my arrow that is too big for my suitcase home. And right now I’m rugged up in bed, watching some Sumo, debating whether I go out with the guys tonight for dinner or just curl up in bed, try to feel at least half human for tomorrows Ghibli experience!