Day 8 – Waterbom

Everyone keeps telling us that we can’t leave Bali without going to Waterbom. So that exactly what we did today! Now I’m not what you’d call an adrenaline junkie by any means, so needless to say, was terrified! Drew on the other hand, absolutely loved it. I went on 3 fairly tame watersides, whereas Drew went on practically every one he was allowed to! It was lovely just sitting by the pool in the sun with a drink. I also got to do something I never have before – I got a massage and fish spa! The weirdest thing, but also pretty awesome. My feet are lovely now! 

I’ve been here over a week and today was the first day I got to the beach! It’s the real ocean here! None of that Melbourne bay shit. Real, huge, terrifying waves! It was beautiful. I got my usual holiday shell souvenir, plus a cheeky bit of coral to try and get home – you don’t see that at home! 
So tomorrow we have another full on day! We’re getting up to get picked up by Tommy at 9am and going to see some traditional Balinese dancing, the Monkey Forest and Ubud, and some other temples in between. It should be a lot of fun!
Sigh, only a few days left and then back to reality. I don’t want to come home! Bali has me! Hook line and sinker.