Day 2 – Hello Everyone!

23,178 steps taken – 14.18 km travelled

We’ve had a pretty lazy morning as we’ve been waiting for the rest of the crew to land. We spent the morning with Jed and Sue, eating food and shopping our way through Kyoto station, Diamaru and Don Quijote.

Amy, Anthony, Tim, Chris and Joe arrived at about 3 o’clock, which is when we were able to hang out as a group of 9. Our first stop was Gion, where we were hoping we would be lucky enough to see a geisha while walking the historic streets. The aged wooden buildings, charming little lanterns and cobbled roads had me swooning. There is something so enticing about finding those hidden shrines and temples, that makes you want to explore every inch of the streets. With Joe on the look out, we were lucky enough to find not just one, but two beautiful geisha women, quickly shuffling to their next appointment.

While we were exploring the alleyways, we also got to see the gorgeous views of the tall temple pagoda all lit up, poking above the old tiled roofs. This place has to be up high on the list of most magical places I’ve seen.

The rest of the night was spent exploring and celebrating the joining of groups with a healthy dose of Coco Curry House and almost completely filling the top floor of the restaurant with the 9 of us. Oh, and we discovered a koi pond back at the hotel with absolutely massive koi fish! They’re huge! The hotel is actually a great place. We’re staying at a place called Zen Kyoto Hotel Apartments, which has only been open for about 3 weeks. But the rooms are huge, with a kitchenette and washing machine, the place it pristine and the team here are so helpful. They also have a lobby bar where you can sit outside and watch the koi. All positioned on the outskirts of Kyoto city, but a quick 5 minute walk to the nearest train station. I’d come here again and again!

Brad and Alysha arrived today as well, so after collecting them from the station at about 9.30, we’ve been able to head back to the room and write this blog up, chill out for a bit with a possibility of an early night! Tomorrow we’re up and at it at 9 to head to a scenic train ride in the morning, and possibly a trip through Arishiyama before coming back to the hotel to meet with the last of our horde! Karen, Tristan and Shannah should be here by 4 o’clock, and Lobada a little later in the afternoon, and our little party will be whole!



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