Day 7 – Kyoto to Osaka

17,719 steps taken – 9.66km travelled

After such a massive build up to yesterday, I have finally succumbed to this god awful cold that I have been battling for the last few days. But despite me being totally zonked out all day, it was another travel day! We packed up and left the air bnb by 10 am. Drew, Jed, Sue, Brad and Alysha went off to their samurai training activities, while the rest of us went towards Kyoto station for a breakfast of omelette rice.

We took our time here and joined back up with the newly qualified samurais before heading towards Osaka to our new stomping grounds. This is where we said seeya to Jed and Sue, to catch up with them again in Tokyo. With a couple of train rides later, and a quick nap in the lobby waiting for check in, and then a quick room upgrade because I felt a tiny bit claustrophobic, we were ready to see Osaka!

Amy is determined to change our view of Osaka, as Drew and I didn’t absolutely love our stay last time. First destination was Dontonburi, which is a neon light shopping district that we happened to completely miss last time (although I don’t know how that is possible… you could see this area from space it’s so bright!). Walking these streets is a little jarring after the calm and tranquil Kyoto, but it’s hard not to love it! The hustle and bustle of a people staring at these awesome displays over all the shops and restaurants, the theme songs blasting from an animatronic octopus enticing you in to try their delicious Takoyaki balls, the smells of the different sweets and savouries, the loud, unmistakable hum of pachinko machines, arcades, gachapon, maid cafes, the most delicious and intimate ramen restaurant… and then amongst all of that, we discover a tiny little temple with one lady manning the booth. Hozenji temple gave me the most beautiful temple stamp yet! Watching her expertly write in perfect calligraphy is something I would happily watch for hours!

After all of that exploring, my fatigued body was screaming, so we had to call it there. I’m excited to see the Osaka that Amy adores, so I’m excited to keep going!



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