Day 3 – Bartering

I think I’m finally comfortable enough here to be truly happy! I have to admit, I’m basically a chicken shit when it comes to change, so the huge culture shock was hard for me at first. But today, we went shopping! It was a lot of fun. I still don’t like bartering though… It’s hard! I know it’s silly, but I feel like I’m cheating money from them? I know the rule, offer a quarter of what they first ask, then pay no more than half. But they get so pushy and since I’m a chicken shit, I hate that! It freaks me out. 

I also ventured out to eat our first meal away from the hotel. We went to cafe Seminyak, a great little place. The meals are incredibly cheap and the decor is cute, with all these paintings, old and new, depicting different features of Seminyak. Quite yummy too!

But I am most excited about tomorrow. Since tomorrow is my 22nd birthday, we’re doing something a little special. We’re going parasailing! It should be a blast!! After that we’re going to Uluwatu temple. I hear its amazing! But I’m sure I’ll write all about that tomorrow night. But for now I’m going to continue this staring contest with this kitty who likes to hang around a villa. If I’m honest she kind of creeps me out. Should I be afraid of ferral cats in Bali? I guess we’ll find out!