Day 6 – Bali Zoo: Featuring Drew

Holy balls Batman – I finally got to do something I have wanted to do forever! I got to hold a baby orangutan! I mean, it’s hard for any red-blooded male not to love one of our closest living relatives, but this thing ended up making me melt. And yes it’s Drew taking over the blog today/tonight/whenever you read this if you chose to read this.

We got Tommy to pick us up a little earlier today, and it was really lucky we did. We spent about an hour driving to Bali Safari and Marine Park. We were immediately greeted by a group of Balinese lads holding a baby Orangutan and had our photos taken with this orange ball of fluff. It was heavy as dicks which was a real surprise. We watched an Elephant show which talked about what happened and why the elephants are endangered. Pretty sure Dani had to hold back tears. We went and got some amazing photos of some white tigers and Dani got to fulfill her dream and pat a baby Sumatran Tiger Cub. The look on her face was priceless.We had a bite to eat after that, then went on an Elephant Safari! It was amazing being on the back of those enormous beasts. We ran into a first world African problem, the Rhinos would not get out of the way so the photo guy had to try and shoo them away so we could keep moving.

We finished the day with a mini driven safari and managed to get heaps of amazing pictures. I’m done with the blog thing now so until next time, see ya later shitlords.