Day 10 – Sleep ins and Souvenirs

Another very lazy day for us today. Absolutely nothing special happened. But you know what? You definitely need those days between all the excitement we’ve had! After such a big two days I was out by 9 pm, dead to the world! Didn’t wake up until 8.30 this morning. We got up, made the most of our buffet breakfast. Then headed to the local Bintang supermarket and got all the souvenirs for the folks back home. Then we lounged around the pool for the rest of the arvo! 
We just got home from an early dinner, an attempt to get our bodies black into the routine when we head home tomorrow night. Waaahhh I don’t want it to be over! My first experience overseas has been fantastic! I want more. But we still have tomorrow, Tommy is taking us to all the shopping places around here before dropping us off at the airport. I’m going to be sad to leave this place. Everyone is so chilled out and the culture is wonderful. It is true when Australians say Bali is their second home – it feel just like home. Well, I’ll see you guys tomorrow for my last entry! 🙁