Day 14 – No More! Too Many Shops! Too Much!

Today didn’t start exactly how we expected. We slept in today, but this time we chose to. Our alarm went off at 8, but we woke up feeling quite gross, so just went back to sleep. The plan had been to go to Nakano Broadway in the morning, and Akihabara in the afternoon, but we thought we’d miss Nakano and just meet the guys at Akihabara. 

That didn’t happen! These guys spent all morning there, where we ended up meeting them at Nakano at about 1. We spent the rest of the day there! So much money… so many stores… so many awesome things! So basically that’s pretty much everything that happened today.. We left there at about 4 o’clock and headed home. 

When I got home i sat down and went through all of our goodies, and came to the conclusion that Drew and I would probably need to organise another suitcase for the trip home… But yeah! Nothing really interesting to many happened today! 

Tomorrow is the coming of age day here in Japan, so it’s a public holiday – so we’re avoiding being out like the plague! Instead we’re heading to Tokyo Tower in the morning to get a good view of its famous walkway. And in the afternoon we’re heading to a Sumo Match! Should be a lot of fun!