Category: New Zealand

  • 24 Sep 2024

Day 4 – Misleading Sound

13,942 Steps Buckle up buttercups, today will be a long one! Today is my birthday, and I truly believe I have someone or something looking out for me. Yesterday I finished off the blog with a sad note that today’s tour to Milford Sound was cancelled since the Milford Highway being closed due to an avalanche […]

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  • 23 Sep 2024

Day 3 – Barricades & Brick Walls

11,715 steps This morning started with a room cleanup and repack, then a quick breakfast in our usual spot on the beach with our bakery snacks to say goodbye to this spectacular view.  Once the car was packed and keys were dropped off, we headed towards the gondola that we’ve had in view since we […]

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  • 22 Sep 2024

Day 2 – Winding Roads & Pit Stops

17,546 steps  We had a lovely sleep in this morning, but when we were hungry enough, we got up and headed out to find some breakfast from Fergbaker. We picked up a pie, almond croissant and a coffee and headed back down to the beach front to enjoy the views while we ate, sharing the […]

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  • 21 Sep 2024

Day 1 – Arriving, in Style!

2,122 km travelled 12,989 steps Today was finally the day! Our bags were packed, our alarms were set for 3.15, we hopped on a flight at 6.20 and we made our way to our first New Zealand stop –  Queenstown. We were told by so many people how incredible the views were going to be […]

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