Tag: bali

  • 30 Sep 2013

Day 11 – Last Day

So we’re currently sitting at the airport, waiting to board our plane to Melbourne. Today was bitter sweet. Tommy took us to all the touristy areas and made sure we saw the most we could before we leave, which included a magical sunset over the ocean. I’m actually quite sad that we have to leave […]

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  • 30 Sep 2013

Day 10 – Sleep ins and Souvenirs

Another very lazy day for us today. Absolutely nothing special happened. But you know what? You definitely need those days between all the excitement we’ve had! After such a big two days I was out by 9 pm, dead to the world! Didn’t wake up until 8.30 this morning. We got up, made the most […]

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  • 29 Sep 2013

Day 9 – Barong, Monkey Forest and Rice Fields

Today I had a wonderful day! We had a different experience when Tommy picked up his cousin to teach him the tour business. This guy (Drew and I heard two different names when he introduced himself, so he is either Paulie or Holly), is hilarious. He’s so chatty and full of information, so that made […]

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  • 28 Sep 2013

Day 8 – Waterbom

Everyone keeps telling us that we can’t leave Bali without going to Waterbom. So that exactly what we did today! Now I’m not what you’d call an adrenaline junkie by any means, so needless to say, was terrified! Drew on the other hand, absolutely loved it. I went on 3 fairly tame watersides, whereas Drew […]

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  • 27 Sep 2013

Day 7 – Lazy Day

I’m not going to bore you guys with all the same info, because today was one of our ‘do sweet f-all’ kinds of days! We slept in, had brekky, got in the pool, ate some lunch, got back in the pool, did some shopping, ate dinner and that brings me back to right now, sitting […]

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  • 26 Sep 2013

Day 6 – Bali Zoo: Featuring Drew

Holy balls Batman – I finally got to do something I have wanted to do forever! I got to hold a baby orangutan! I mean, it’s hard for any red-blooded male not to love one of our closest living relatives, but this thing ended up making me melt. And yes it’s Drew taking over the […]

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  • 25 Sep 2013

Day 5 – Exploring Seminyak

I’m going to be pretty boring tonight, because today was our ‘do absolutely nothing day’! We spent hours upon hours in the pool just chilling out. We had a few drinks at the pool bar and got chatting to this lovely man Tiana. He told us all about his upbringing and how he has to […]

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  • 23 Sep 2013

Day 4 – My 22nd Birthday

So instead of whinging about everything, I’m here to finally write that we had an amazing day! We went to water sports in the morning, where we rode the donut. We held on for dear life and they went nuts on the boat and dragged us around! It was seriously the most terrifying thing I […]

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  • 23 Sep 2013

Day 3 – Bartering

I think I’m finally comfortable enough here to be truly happy! I have to admit, I’m basically a chicken shit when it comes to change, so the huge culture shock was hard for me at first. But today, we went shopping! It was a lot of fun. I still don’t like bartering though… It’s hard! […]

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  • 22 Sep 2013

Day 2 – Tanah Lot

I think I may just be the most pale person in Bali. Today was hot, real hot! I think I managed to get sunburnt before 10 am! But after our breakfast we got picked up and taken to Tanah Lot Temple by our driver Tommy. Now this place  was gorgeous. It’s a tiny little temple […]

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