Tag: Japan

  • 10 Jan 2016

Day 14 – No More! Too Many Shops! Too Much!

Today didn’t start exactly how we expected. We slept in today, but this time we chose to. Our alarm went off at 8, but we woke up feeling quite gross, so just went back to sleep. The plan had been to go to Nakano Broadway in the morning, and Akihabara in the afternoon, but we […]

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  • 09 Jan 2016

Day 13 – Shopping Day

So much shopping today! Well, that is once we all got ready… We had planned on meeting down in the lobby at 10, but 3 of the 6 pairs either slept through their alarms or, like us, forgot to set an alarm all together. The sleep in was divine though. So once we all got […]

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  • 08 Jan 2016

Day 12 – Travel Day 3 – Hakone to Tokyo

18,740 steps, 14.89 km walked, 40 floors climbed, 4 layers of clothing, 1 windy hair monster, 2 more dogs in shirts and a LOT of different modes of transportation. After our full feast of new foods last night, we woke up again this morning to a breakfast feast! Us westerners, not being very adventurous in […]

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  • 07 Jan 2016

Day 11 – Travel Day 2, The Ryokan

Today was finally a day of relaxation! I mean it was a travel day, so there was obviously travel involved, but there were no massive walks, no mountains to climb, no scary adventures to be had. Nevertheless, I am still tired. I somehow don’t think that feeling is going away any time soon. So today […]

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  • 06 Jan 2016

Day 9 & 10 – Universal Hiroshima

So, evidently, no entry yesterday. We practically haven’t had any down time since we’ve been here and it has finally caught up with me. I was gone the second my head hit the pillow last night… and honestly I’m fighting to sit here and write this tonight! So yesterday we had our big Universal Studios […]

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  • 04 Jan 2016

Day 8 – Your Princess is in Another Castle

Today so far, 13,713 steps, 10.05 km, 18 floors climbed, 2 layers of clothing, 2 pets in clothing and 7 kitties! Himeji Castle today! We started a little later than we probably should have, but we were up and out by about 10 this morning. We seemed to all be a little crabby this morning, […]

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  • 03 Jan 2016

Day 7 – Castles, Pokemans and Sunsets

20,116 steps, 14.24km, 13 floors climbed, 2 layers of clothing, 7 french bulldogs, 2 “doge’s” and countless pets in clothes. Today was going to be a semi quiet day – until Tim suggested that we visit the Osaka Castle before heading to the aquarium… I can’t complain though, we got to see some magical things […]

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  • 02 Jan 2016

Day 6 – Travel Day 1

Todays tally: 15,595 steps, 10.75km, 14 floors, 3 layers of clothing. This morning was our last morning in Kyoto, and to be honest I’m missing it already! We’ve only travelled a 30 minute train ride away to Osaka, but it feels like another country! The scenery is very different. Instead of temples sticking out in […]

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  • 01 Jan 2016

Day 5 – Deers! Deers Everywhere!

Todays tally: 11,929 steps, 8.58 km travelled, 20 floors climbed and 4 layers of clothing. I think I’ve said it about every day, but today was a big day! The alarm was set an hour later than usual today, so a tiny bit of a sleep in for the boys. Not for me unfortunately, I […]

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  • 31 Dec 2015

Day 4 – Unplanned Adventures are the Best Kind.

20,393 steps taken, 15.15 km travelled, 14 floors climbed – much less than yesterday, but a big day nonetheless! Another early day for the crew today, so we were up and at it by 8, and after a quick pit stop at that little bakery at the station, we were off, on our way to […]

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